Hitting the trails and living life with 4 kiddos and a Hubby

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why is it so hard?

We (Chris and I) go in rounds about baby names. He likes this and I like that. I don't like his and he doesn't like mine.

I want a strong meaning so I can pray that meaning over the child through out its life.

Abigail -(our first born)My father is joyful. I pray that she will bring joy to the Father through out her life.

Elizabeth - Pledged to God. I pray that she will live her life for Him.

Elijah - The Lord is my God. I pray that my son will proclaim this all his life.

Isaiah - The Lord helps me. I pray that he will always know that God is present and guiding him.

So the search is on. We need to find a name that we both like and has a good meaning.

Not one name but two. A boy name and a girl name, so that we are prepared for which one is needed.

Any suggestions?

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